Heute: Barbetrieb und Konzert des kroatischen Sevdalinka Duos „Dunjaluk“ – außerdem: Pop-Up Ausstellung der Designerin Sandra Popović aus Belgrad, sie verkauft Waistbags und Fahrradtaschen, Handmade in Belgrade! https://popcyclebicycle.com/
Dunjaluk is a band from Zagreb, Croatia, formed in late 2019, and consisting of singer Dunja Bahtijarević and electric guitarist Luka Čapeta. Dunjaluk focuses on reinterpreting songs from the Bosnian tradition of sevdah. Dunjaluk looks for the universal in tradition, for that which still resonates today, and translates it into modern musical expression. The sound of Dunjaluk is an abstraction of sounds arising from the language of sevdah, steeped into diverse modern musical influences, from noise and punk, to jazz and classical techniques.
The origin of sevdalinkas lies in the encounter of two sensibilities: the Ottoman and the South Slavic. Sevdalinkas tell stories about love and yearning, about home and being away, about the individual’s relation to community and societal restrictions. Dunjaluk is captivated by the lyrics and the melodies of these songs, a richness that invites the band’s response. Sevdalinkas have been transformed many times over centuries, and Dunjaluk strives to make the most of that space open to change.
Dunja Bahtijarević is a singer from Croatia, where she moved as a refugee from Bosnia. After getting her degrees in comparative literature, art history, and English, she decided to focus on music. She has led choirs and given workshops. Apart from Dunjaluk, she sings in Chant Electronique, Mimika Orchestra, and Kazan. She’s particularly interested in traditional songs and all the different musical contexts that can provide them with a new life. She’s constantly looking for her roots, linking past to present to future. She finds herself doing the same in the music that she makes.
Luka Čapeta is a musician from Zagreb, Croatia. Since he started playing guitar as his main instrument, Luka has been exploring various aspects of making music, ranging from composition, production, performance to education. Since his studies at the Vienna Music Institute, he has produced and composed music for contemporary dance, theatre and film, and played in many different bands and projects from Zagreb and the surrounding region. Rooted in electronic, ambient, jazz, and classical music, Luka is constantly evolving his vocabulary by experimenting with traditional and world music, noise, avantgarde aesthetics, creating a unique approach to performance and sound.
In November 2022, Dunjaluk released their first album. In 2022, they have been selected for the MOST Music Programme, whose mission is to boost the music market of the Balkans by connecting and supporting people in the world music market.
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