

Ming(R)a Noise / Noise mit Overdriven dreams (Niš ) & Zwinkelman (München)

Eine Veranstaltung in der Reihe Ming(R)a Noise, bei der Künstler unterschiedlichster Couleur zeigen, wie vielfältig die PoP-Kultur in München ist.

Overdriven dreams is a pseudonym of Uroš Kostić, an experimental musician from Niš (Serbia). After years of researching the possibilities of his primary instrument, the guitar, as well as various other devices, such as tape recorders and walkmans, he began to implement these ideas in his solo work. Overdriven dreams strive to give life to the endless sound fields of phantasmagoric dreams. In that process, he relies primarily on guitar improvisation, which he often uses outside the standard application of that instrument, with the help of tools such as drumsticks, radio, mobile phone, and e-bow. In addition, he uses the manipulation of cassettes, tape recorders, loopers, lo-fi synths, and granular samplers in the realization of sonic imaging of endless dream fields. In a short time, above all at numerous concerts, he established himself as one of the currently most active ambient musicians in the region.

Die beiden Münchner Musiker Josip Pavlov und Dominik Lutter vom Akustik-Gitarren-Duo Zwinkelman beschreiten in der Gesangs-freien Welt neue Wege und tummeln sich damit in den Stammes-Revieren der American Primitive Guitar, der Chicago-Schule und den unkonventionellen Klang-Exerzitien des kammermusikalischen Free Folk.

Nach der Single „Hallo Lullu/GoldWert“ vom Sommer 2017 die erste VolleLänge-Produktion von Zwinkelman, schlicht mit dem Band-Namen als Titel, ab Januar 2020 wieder beim Münchner Underground-Label Echokammer-


LIVE Video:

Art Workers House
